Pecorino Siciliano PDO is an excellent table cheese, especially with fresh or semi-aged types.
Seasoned DOP is widely used as a grating cheese, or to flavor the first courses, but also in combination with bread and olives to attenuate its characteristic spicy flavor.
Pecorino Siciliano PDO is marketed all year round and is best kept in a cool environment, or in the refrigerator in the least cold compartment. The ideal temperature is 4 ° C.
It is marketed in whole forms, in slices or in vacuum-packed portions. In any case, the real Pecorino Siciliano PDO must always bear the label with the logo, the PDO trademark, the number of the production dairy and the expiry date.
The organoleptic characteristics of Pecorino Siciliano PDO are characterized by its balanced flavor which is conferred by a set of elements.
Among these, the feeding of sheep plays a fundamental role, which influences the milk used for production, as well as the amount of fat present in it.