POD Brand
The PDO trademark, protected designation of origin, guarantees the link between the Sicilian Pecorino and its places of origin and traditional production methods.
The production disciplinary establishes with regard to the methods of cheese making of the product, while other characteristics such as traceability and traceability are specific to each single form of pecorino.
Traceability is ensured by the casein matrix imprinted on each wheel which indicates the name "Pecorino Siciliano PDO" and the identification of the production lot.
Similarly, a number assigned by the EC to the dairy factory is stamped to raise the level of traceability to the specific producer.

In 1955 it was officially included in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic (GURI n.295 of 22-12-1955).
Some time later the European Union established the PDO mark, giving the Sicilian Pecorino the protected designation of origin mark through the transcription in the register of denominations in accordance with EC Regulation no. 1107/1996.